Declaration of Performance Information Resource

This site has been provided to help you find Declaration of Performance (DoP) information quickly and easily for our products.

It is mandatory for manufacturers and distributors to declare the performance and apply the appropriate conformity mark to any of their products which are covered by a harmonised standard.

Any products that do not fall under a harmonised standard must not carry a conformity mark. Many of our innovation products not covered by harmonised standards therefore carry BBA accreditation instead.

For goods placed on the market in the Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) products must carry the UKCA marking (although CE marking is still valid until 1 January 2023). Please use the Declarations of Performance contained within the UKCA document page.

For goods placed on the market in Europe use the Declarations of Performance contained within the CE document page.

For goods placed on the market in Northern Ireland please use the Declarations of Performance contained within the CE document page.